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Home Learning

Home Learning PacksSmall Title

Fun and interactive learning packs will be available to sign in and out for use at home. Please look out for the box or ask a member of staff.


This is in response to Governments new guidance, ‘Improving the home learning environment.’

Its aims are to improve outcomes for children by boosting learning at home and making links between nursery and home.


Our home learning packs are designed to provide you with all the resources and ideas you need to spend some quiet time with your child helping them to learn and engage, and learn key language and communication skills. The ideas are simple and designed so you can spend 10 minutes or an hour depending on the time you have.


The simple message; is CHAT, PLAY, READ


Other activities which will support children’s early language development;


Going to the Library

Painting and drawing

Playing with/being taught numbers

Playing with/being taught letters

Singing songs, poems and rhymes.


We hope you will enjoy using our home learning packs with your child.

Home Learning Examples

Our new planning theme for the next 2 weeks is 'British Values.' 🇬🇧 This is an important part of daily life at Whytebeams and is built into our curriculum but we are focussing on these values to share with you all. We will be talking about British customs and values, what we eat, family times, manners community and respecting others. Today we have a visit from the police to talk about how they help as as part of our important topic. Children have been talking about what they eat at home and making their own food plates. Today we have Whytebeams Pizzeria with a pop up restaurant, tills and ordering pads for our waitresses! 🌳





Our theme for the next 2 weeks is 'Heroes, Heroines and being Healthy'.

We will be talking about Superheroes and other heroes such as Police Officers/Fire Fighters/Athletes and their qualities - kindness, caring, team work, being brave and keeping healthy.

Tuesday - Dress up as a superhero, hero or heroine in costumes or t-shirts. We have costumes at nursery if you need them!


We will be focusing on the story 'Handas Surprise' and talking about the different fruit in Handas basket and acting out the story. Children will learn about healthy eating.

Ideas for Home Learning

Children can....
-design their own superhero
-draw or colour a super hero picture
-bring in a photo of themselves dressed up as a superhero
-talk with parents and carers about different heroes and heroines
-talk with parents about what they can see in their cupboards and fridges that is healthy food

As always, have fun! 😃

Learning Themes
Our learning theme over the last two weeks has been transport.
Over the next two weeks we will be looking at change and growth. Children will be planting individual sunflower seeds to take home and some will be planted in our garden. We will be learning new songs about plants and flowers growing. The book of the week is 'the gingerbread man.' Children will be part of an interactive story, and use the loose parts project to build the set. Our craft activity will be decorating paper gingerbread men!


Home Learning Ideas....
To link in with our theme of change and growth find a sunny spot for your child's sunflower seed and encourage children to water it. Take photos or draw pictures of the changes. Bring them in or post them to Facebook. (Ongoing)
Go on a spring scavenger hunt. Draw a grid of six squares on plain paper and ask your child to collect and stick on the following… blossom petals, a daffodil petal, a new green leaf, a daisy, some fresh grass and a feather or a twig.
Happy hunting!



Our theme is "new growth" for this last short week of the spring term. Children are making bird-feeders and will be bringing home Easter egg chocolate nests too. Encourage your child to look at the different types of birds attracted to the bird feeder. Over the Easter break draw a picture or print a photo of anything exciting you have done. This could include a trip to visit friends or family, a day out, or maybe a holiday



Our learning theme for the next two weeks will be "space".
For home learning look at the night sky with your child. Talk about the moon, stars and planets. Maybe the international space station and rockets! What is it like in space, who has been there and how far away is the moon? Bring in a picture or painting of the night sky or a rocket! Black paper or paint, silver glitter or white paint for the stars..... Have fun!

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