Daily routine
9.00 am
Doors open.
Self-registration, free flow play.
9.25 am
Sit down together
Say hello.
Celebrate birthdays and any special news!
9.35 am
Free Flow - Learning through play, indoors and outdoors.
Self-selecting and child-initiated activities.
Adult-led activities.
Focus activities, craft.
10.30 am
Snack time followed by planned literacy and maths sessions, adult-led circle time.
11.40 am
Tidy up time.
11.55 am
Children going home gather in hall or little room. Children remaining continue activities.
12.00 pm
Come together to say our prayer and goodbyes.
Give out any art work and creations. Check register.
Children staying for lunch continue play whilst children arriving join in. All children taken to the toilet and to wash their hands.
12.30 pm
Sit and eat lunch together.
1.00 pm
Once finished children put their lunch box away and join a member of staff in the little room. A story or rhymes may be read at this time.
1.15 pm
Activities commence in the hall or outside.
2.30 pm
Early pick up, some children go home. Wash hands first.
2.45 pm
Children come together for circle time to sing songs, play ring games or quiet activity to prepare for home time. Wash hands.
3.00 pm
Come together to say our prayer and goodbyes. Give out any creative work when appropriate. Check register.